Prepare Without Fear for Your Annual Nanny Performance Review

How can you hope to evaluate your work or improve your performance without any feedback from your employer? 

There is a short and simple answer: you can’t! 

When you consider yourself a professional at your job, it is normal to expect your employer to conduct a performance review on an annual basis (and maybe more frequently) to help you identify any areas that need improvement.

This process not only allows you to set goals for your professional development, but also to review any increases in responsibilities or duties that should signal a possible increase in salary. In addition, it ensures that you provide the children with the best possible care. 

While it is normal to feel nervous about your performance review, remember that this review is a chance for your hard work to be recognized and an opportunity to learn how you can improve your work. 

To help you prepare for your annual nanny performance review without fear, here are several things you can do to calm your nerves so that you will be ready when the time comes.

Do Your Best Every Day

Preparation for a good review with your employer starts from day one. When you know you are giving your best every day, you can be sure your care and dedication to your charges and your work will shine through!

As a professional caregiver, you can demonstrate that you take your work seriously by being punctual, fulfilling your duties, and being trustworthy and responsible. These skills will serve you well in the eyes of your employer and signal to them that you are a loyal, trustworthy, and dedicated keeper. 

In your day-to-day work, put the interests of the children at the forefront and try to make decisions based on what is best for them. As someone who cares about their work, plan fun and appropriate activities or outings for the children. By doing so, you’ll be showing initiative and that you care for your charges. You can also feel at ease without worry or fear for your upcoming performance review because you know you always give your all!

Realize That Everyone Has Strengths and Areas for Improvement

We know a review with your employer can be nerve-wracking, but try to shift your mindset to a more positive outlook by realizing that this is ultimately professional development for you!

Everyone has areas where they excel and areas where they need improvement. Your performance review is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about how your employer views your particular strengths in your work and what needs support–not something that needs to be feared. You have a chance to compare your view of your work with your employer and see how it aligns. This outside perspective can be incredibly helpful in your growth as a nanny and caregiver.

Remember that you and your employer are on the same team, and your success at your job is good for them as well. Through this process, you will be able to become better at your job. As you improve and take on more duties and responsibilities, you will also gain appropriate increases in your compensation.

Regularly Communicate with Your Employer 

Regular communication demonstrates that you are a valuable team member. Both you and your employer care about you and your work with the children, so communication ensures that you’re working together to provide the best care. Don’t fear communication with your employers and use your regular check-in time to share your concerns about the children with the family and ask for feedback or clarification when needed. If there are problems, this regular check-in is the time to address them.

If you are already consistently communicating with your employer in this way, then you can rest assured that your annual nanny performance review won’t reveal any surprises.

During your performance review, bring ideas of your own professional goals and areas where you’d like to improve on or gain more knowledge around in your current position. Can you think of any ways that you and your employer could work together to fulfill these goals?

Annual reviews are often tied to salary evaluations. This review is primarily about comparing notes with your employer on how you believe your work is going, along with gaining valuable feedback to help you improve.

Don’t Stress 

Try to prepare without fear for your next annual nanny performance review and view it as a chance to grow in your work with the children and the family.

This review is your time to shine in the eyes of your employer. Their assessment of your work is also an opportunity for them to realize what a valuable asset you are for their family. When the family reviews your expanding responsibilities, you might even be rewarded with a pay increase or additional benefits! 
Are you an employer of a nanny and need guidance on conducting a performance review? Check out our blog on A How-to for Employers: The Process of a Successful Nanny Performance Review


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A How-to Guide for Employers: The Process of a Successful Nanny Performance Review