Producing Your Personal Code of Conduct

Clearly defining your values, standards, and goals can be the catalyst that propels you forward.  

Have you ever had a vision board or written down your objectives? Many influential leaders, including Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, and Oprah, promote visualization as a powerful tool to help you crystalize and accomplish your goals.

Some of us may know the story of comedian Jim Carrey who wrote himself a post-dated check for 10 million dollars. At that time, he was just a no-name actor who was barely scraping by.

However, Carrey believed in himself, and he imagined that when the day eventually came to cash that check, he would have the money in the bank to clear it. And guess what? He did. Carrey got paid exactly ten million dollars for his role in The Mask.

It’s not magic. It’s science.

Research reveals that converting your abstract goals from thought or speech into something you can concretely view increases commitment and progress.

Why? Because it reminds you of the big picture to keep you focused and motivated. Thus, you’ll be more intentional about your choices.

This is the same reason companies define their vision and values by creating a code of conduct. It helps them funnel the essence of their brand (or what they hope it will become) into a tangible, ambiguity-free document.

Clarity + Focus + Action + Deadline = SUCCESS!

How many times have you heard these standard interview questions? “Tell us about who you are as a person?” “Where do you want to be in five years?” Even though you might not think so, as a nanny, you’re most certainly your own brand.

Writing a personal code of conduct is a thoughtful exercise that helps you describe what matters to you, what you want for yourself in the future, and the standards by which you’ll achieve them.

An easy way to eliminate confusion for yourself is by writing a personal manifesto, and we’re about to show you how to create one. This simple method allows you to take a structured approach to defining your path forward.  

Identify your qualities: Pinpoint the characteristics you’re most proud to embody. Rank them in order of how much they mean to you and concentrate on your top five.

Are you the friend people can count on to get them to the airport on time? Maybe you’re the one they can trust to keep a secret? Or the friend who lifts others up when they’re feeling down?

Define your values: Reflect on what you hold in high regard, which could also be the qualities you admire in others. Rank them in order of how much they mean to you and, again, isolate the top five.

Examples could include fairness, kindness, flexibility, transparency, resilience, etc. Then, compare them to your list of qualities. Any that don’t match become your self-improvement goals.

Consider different areas: Although we’re focusing more on the professional vantage point in this exercise, a personal code of conduct should span multiple aspects of your life.

Divide a page into several categories. Some column headings that work for many include professional, social, health, romantic, financial, spiritual, and volunteerism.

Create a statement of purpose: Place this powerful summary at the top of your personal code of conduct. Like a company’s mission statement, it should succinctly explain the reason for this document.

Put the current date and commit to updating the document—at a minimum—annually. Then, add a disclaimer that anything you don’t already embody you commit to improving within the year.

Draft your personal code of conduct: After your statement of purpose, partner your values and characteristics using “I” statements as evidence. (Similar to how companies use “we” terminology.)

Integrity: I am truthful and honor commitments.

Respect: I treat others with consideration and empathy, regardless of our differences.

Fake it until you make it: Mix in the ones you admire and look forward to sharpening. They don’t have to be true right now, but write them as if they already are, trusting that they will be, soon.

Accountability: I take ownership of my actions and their consequences.

Bravery: I step outside of my comfort zones and make bold moves because I believe in myself.

Pair key areas of your life with action: Stick with the “I” statements. We won’t do them all, but here are a few examples to get you on the right track.  

Social: I will not engage in gossip or speak ill of others behind their backs.

Professional: I will attend one childcare industry workshop per quarter.

Health: I will reduce my daily caffeine intake by half and double my water intake.

Review and refine: Seek feedback from trusted friends and mentors once you have a solid draft. They can spot gaps, ensure your code properly reflects you, and provide a balanced, realistic outlook.

Take a day or so before re-reading it with fresh eyes. Make revisions based on your own reconsiderations and/or on the feedback you’ve received. Then, consider it officially sealed and effective immediately! DONE. 

Look at you go! Creating a personal code of conduct is a meaningful exercise in self-reflection and self-improvement. It provides a framework for making decisions and navigating life’s challenges according to your qualities, values, and goals.

Are you a talented nanny searching for a new opportunity to care for an amazing family? You’ve come to the right place! Take a look around our resource-rich website, and don’t forget to check out our open positions.

“I love working for Preferred Childcare! The staff are all so kind and they really care about their workers as well as the families and children. They’re very flexible with schedules and always have fun activities for the staff. Seriously the best job I’ve ever had. If you’re looking for a job, I highly recommend PCC!” -Jenna Jendre


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